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Music Sheets


To get plugged into any of these music ministries, please contact the church office!

Image of handbell choir playing during service

Bell Choir

The bell choir is made up of 12-20 members. We have three octaves of bells, so we can play two or three octave bell music. We also have two octaves of chimes for occasional variety. They are used alone or sometimes with the bells.


The Bell Choir plays on the first Sunday of every month, Easter Sunday & Christmas Eve. We welcome all who are interested in playing handbells. We use a color-coding system, so if you can count, you can play bells. We work hard but have lots of laughs and fun.

Chancel Choir

Our choir provides music at various worship services. We enjoy many seasonal participants and invite any who come to Estes Park to join us!

Image of choir singing during service
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